Sunday, May 28, 2017

Some Trials for Turkish Style Coffee Brewing

This time some obsessions on Turkish style coffee brewing... A grinding level around espresso is applied to 7 grams of some fresh natural processed Brasilian beans from one of local roasteries here in Eindhoven, namely Bean Brothers. The initial temperature of the 70 grams of water is set to 60 degree celsius and the heat source is set so that the total brewing time is 2:20. Even though it all started with beans from Ethiopia and Yemen back in very old times, the Turkish coffee turns out to be labeled by a certain taste/aroma/flavour of some Brasilian beans from a not very qualified variety and region indeed - mostly because of economical reasons and purposes. So this is a nice experiment to see the results with a higher quality and more controllable parameters. The traditional methods applied currently in Turkey generally start with cold water and a very fine grind, mostly in order to increase the extraction rate since the coffee is usually stored as ground. It is not so easy to apply the same rules when the definition of the coffee beans are changed. For your information, the brewing recipe is based on Turgay Yıldızlı - one of the cezve/ibrik champions - and my cezve is produced by Soy from Turkey.